5 Programming Languages You Should Learn for Web Development

Fun fact – there are over 9000 programming languages out there. Some prefer to use one and some prefer to use the other but there is no general consensus on the subject of universal programming language. And to be honest – there is no need for that.

Every programming language serves its own purpose and allows to do certain things easier and faster than the others. Some are good for text transformation, some are good with databases, some can handle web calculator

However, you can’t go far knowing just one language. It is always better to be fluent in more than one. Not only it provides much-needed flexibility – it also gives an insight into inner workings of each language and their capabilities in certain scenarios. In combination lies the greatest power of the programmer.

Five Programming Languages you should definitely learn:


Let’s start with the basics. Python is the starting point for many beginning programmers due to its easy to follow structure. It uses common words and expressions for commands. It is near-perfect as a scripting language due to its diverse packages and smooth interface.

Python is often cited as a must by companies who seeks double duty front-end back-end developers. It is also widely used in data mining and machine learning operations today.


Java doesn’t need any introduction. It is well-known, always in demand, down and dirty open source language that works miracles if applied rightly. You can’t do web development without knowing it.

One of the major advantages of Java is its simplicity. In some ways, it is almost writing itself. There are numerous modules for every need and the whole process of deployment goes as if in the dream.


Perl is not just a programming language. It is a weapon of mass programming – you can do anything with its help. There is a reason why it is called “The duct tape of the internet”.

Initially designed for text processing – it gradually evolved into multi-purposed mastodon. Perl allows a multitude of various transformative tricks. Its biggest advantage lies in stability and ability to combine with other languages. It is apt at handling encrypted data and very useful in eCommerce.


If you are looking for a swiss knife of programming languages – then PHP definitely is the language choice. Although it is primarily used for development of dynamic websites, it is also very comfortable for general purpose development.

PHP is reigning king of eCommerce and it is easy to see why – big toolset, clear structure, no-nonsense framework. This makes it a very attractive choice. It is in high demand and there is more than one way to use it.

PHP’s biggest advantage is in diversity. With its help, you can code a webpage, but you also can program Android and iOS apps.


Structured Query Language aka SQL is a little bit more elaborate than the rest. It is used for database applications, mainly for gathering, processing, and managing data.

Since it is a vital thing for any company – there is always a high demand for those who know a thing or two about it.

It is commonly used with Java and it allows to streamline the whole database operation to relatively digestible form both for client and server sides.


Swift is a language designed to show the future. There is a strange notion of it being relatively the same as any other programming language and at the same time very different.

It is a child of Apple Inc. and its main purpose to make programming really engaging and opposite of mundane (which unfortunately it often is). Because of that it is easy to follow and requires much less coding that other mentioned languages.

In conclusion:

There are many more programming languages but these seem to be essential at this moment in time. Sure, I could’ve included the almighty family of C – but you can find a paragraph or two about them anywhere. With these languages by your side, you may be sure that you will have no shortage of job offers anytime soon.

Categories: Articles
Yarav Srivastava: @mark_kshitijHe is the co-founder and CTO of EduCracker.com. He is a highly experienced tech enthusiast and has developed a number of jaw-dropping websites and softwares. Kshitij is fond of both penning and reading articles based upon Tech, Automation, Robotics and other research-based articles. He also works as the Founder and CEO of SHALK Softech which is another amazing venture. This tech maker and user comes to you with a plethora of articles that will leave you amazed.

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